Set up google search console for vercel site

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I just recently stumbled upon the question of how to connect your Vercel website to the google search console. Because let's be honest, we can't wait until google randomly decided to crawl our sites. We want it to happen ASAP so that our content is out there and can be found. If this is your goal then you probably want to register your site manually with google and the google search console. In this article, I will walk you through the step-by-step process to register your site in the google search console so that it can be indexed.

1. Which google search console Property Type works with vercel

Google Search Console Property Type

The first step is to decide whether you can manipulate the DNS records of your site or not.

  • If you can, then choose the left option. This is true if you registered your domain with a third party like GoDaddy or 1and1.
  • If not then pick the right option. This is always true if your bought your domain from vercel and they are your registrars.

For vercel domains always pick the URL-Prefix option. You need to fill in your URL exactly as shown, so for my site, this would be "".

2. Select the Ownership Confirmation method

Google Search Console Property Type

Now choose one of the methods to confirm the ownership of the site. There are multiple ways to do this, but I would recommend using the HTML-Tag method as it can be done very simply by just adding a meta tag. The other methods require you to upload an HTML document or add a google analytics snippet to your site. Both of these options are also not too complex but I just find it's the easiest way to use the HTML tag.

  1. Copy the HTML meta tag. Google Search Console Property Type
  2. Add it to your document file in the header section. Google Search Console Property Type
  3. Save. Commit. Build. Check if vercel finished building.
  4. Click confirm in the google search console.

3. Registration

If everything worked you should see your site registered with google search console.

Google Search Console Property Type

4. Add a sitemap

As a last and bonus step, you can add your sitemap URL to the sitemap box. This way you can make sure that google knows about your sitemap, this is especially helpful if your sitemap is not called "sitemap.xml" but anything different than that.

If you want to learn more about how to generate a sitemap for your vercel website, check out my post on how to do that [here](coming soon).

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